It's been too long since I've updated the blog. Sorry about that.
I've been busy with painting a bike, working on my bike,
and going on long trips whenever I can!
A quick summary since the last post to get you caught up:
Cornerworked and stood under an awning as it
hailed and sleeted in Texas - in APRIL!

Celebrated Mollie & Bryan's anniversary at Doubleshots
Snuck into CheapSTOC with the "Safety Vest Twins"
Decided to go to London...

Yay me! 

Hung out with the ladies at the lake

Went fast for half a day at Texas World Speedway

Finally got to cross Oklahoma off the list of states visited!

Biwwy went boom

I got VERY wet
Got to watch my friends go fast from the best seat in the house
And then a week later I got to go fast ALL DAY!
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