Some highlights from the East Texas Dual Sport Ride:
Staging. See me leaned over while balancing on one foot....
(third helmet from the right, white fender/number plate/knuckle covers)
Staging. See me leaned over while balancing on one foot....
(third helmet from the right, white fender/number plate/knuckle covers)

This is what I looked like just moments later. DOH!

Hmm. I see a bike, but where's the rider?

Oh, there he is! Went for a swim it seems.

Danny's bike seems to like being in the back of the truck. His wife doesn't.

The folks at Harborlight catered FOR us and TO us all weekend. They made it very clear they enjoyed having the group stay there, and they're looking forward to hosting us again in the future.

The fire was roaring all night and brought out great conversation, story telling, and joke-telling...

Bud Light cans melt slower than Miller Light cans apparently...

Do I hear banjos?

Have we mentioned the mud?

As the weekend was coming to a close, the sun finally appeared. :sun:

Here are some pictures from some of the other participants…
Me in the sand

I’m in the back, white helmet & black jacket. David to my left on his Husky 610 and Bill standing in front of us with the blue helmet.

Graeme got himself a little sideways and a lot stuck.

Men make fire.


And the rest, in no particular order…