I didn't take the camera out much on the road for some reason (even when it was sunny and dry) but I did get a few.
Tina and neither of her husbands :lol2:

The other half of our table

Jack's table

Hardy's table

We met a bunch of folks ducking out of the rain in Ellinger. It was the first covering we could find once the deluge started and lucky for us it had a table and chairs in the back. We got some snacks, watched the radar images on J's phone, and waited.
These two were headed back to Austin from Houston and were still in pretty good spirits. ;-)

When the rain let up enough to continue on, we went down a few exits to get J some rain gear at Columbus Cycle Shop. I'd always seen it on the side of I10 but I'd never stopped - they had a pretty good selection and very friendly folks that let us park up on the curb (under the awning) and drip all over their store.
By the time he'd bought rain gear and we were ready for the push for home, the sky was starting to clear up a lot more.

Big thanks to Jack for taking the initiative to put these diet-undoing RTEs together, and thanks to Kenny and J for putting up with my routing ideas and, um, guesses... :doh: