Day 5
Wednesday April 30
The original plan had me landing in New Jersey at my sister's place for the night, but that was many miles an states away from Durham, NC. I have to stick to interstates if I'm going to make it there before my nephews' bedtime.

Spank, you ready to hold on tight? This is going to be a high speed day!

Headed north up 85 and got my Virginia welcome sign on a cool, shaded shoulder.

Stopped just shy of Richmond for a quick lunch and refueling.

Made it to DC by early afternoon.

I decided that if I was this close to national monuments, I might as well take the time to stop and get some proper pictures with my bike.

After struggling with tourists on foot, in cars, and in caravans of busses I hit the highway to head north again. DC doesn't feel the need to put up signs, so I guess nobody is welcome here.
Now I had to fight my way towards Baltimore with mass commuters trying to make it home for the night.
I'd made it into Maryland but without a Welcome sign letting me know when it happened.


And tunnels

And bridges

And then there was Delaware. Tiny state, big sign.

Then more bridges.

Welcome to New Jersey!

It was the homestretch. I was in the state, all I needed to do was make it north to Hackettstown before it was pitch black.

I was losing the race with the sun.
Off the interstate and northbound on 206, all I wanted was a hug when I arrived.

I got more than a hug. I got to read him not one, but TWO bedtime stories!

North Carolina, Virginia, DC, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey
516 miles