My Saturday started off dark just after 6am with Jamey (JAR675) from Stafford. This just isn't natural for me... :yawn:

Met the NW Houston group in Navasota at the corner of Hwy 6 and 105. No, not that one - the [I]other[/I] one. :doh: Thanks to Chris (DirtRideRoader) for joining up in Hempstead and knowing where the meet-up was. ;-)

As we headed out up Hwy 6, I took advantage of a slow(ish) 4-lane section to get a rolling roll call:
David (Maverick)

Corrine (SchooterGal)


Tim (Abby)

Greg (Gregwithsomenumbers)

Deb (Snoopster)

Jamey (JAR675)

Chris (DirtRideRoader) and his daughter Erin

Incline? What incline?

Mav's bike left its mark on the tarmac... (and unfortunately the tarmac left its mark on his bike)

"Who me? Oh, I'm just waiting for Maverick. Silly guy, he dropped his bike in the parking lot!"

And we hit the road again

A few of the "originals" - Deb and Chuck with their vintage name tags

A bunch of people were already leaving at 11:30 when our group rolled in, and many more were gone by noon when we got as many as we could to gather for a group picture.

We needed to decrease the mileage between stops as the day wore on. It was just too hot to ride the route we'd planned, so from here (some town with an L?) we decided to cut south for Temple.

At another shaded rest stop at a Dairy Queen, the asphalt not only wanted to swallow my kickstand, but it wanted the kickstand plate too! :eek2:

Ten Minute Call... :sun:

Hotel time! The sun was starting to set, bellies were rumbling, and the dogs were barking...

Messican! :eat:

We can still see you :-P
(There's TWO fingers up, not just one!)

Brian (Nixx) and James (?) from Austin joined us for dinner before splitting off for home.

Whitebread (Robbie?) is in the blurry-faced witness protection program. :lol2:

But if you sneak a picture when he's NOT being blurrified, he'll give you the evil eye! :giveup:

Shower. Sleep. Morning. Pack. Breakfast at IHOP.

Jamey departed north on 35 towards Kansas City to start a two week riding/family vacation. :clap:

With a smaller group and more time to play, we stopped more frequently on the ride back.

This was ShooterGal's first ride that exceeded 100 miles! Considering she probably topped 600 miles in 100+ degree weather, she has certainly proven she's gotten over her "should I just give up" thinking. :cool2:

We split off in Navasota and went back from whence we came.
The gals:

The gents:

"Hey, what's that noise? It sounds like my bi..."

"What the?"

"Where's he going with my bike?"

SQUID! :phead:

Sayonara! Until next time... :bigokay: