We met J and Lilia at the Starbucks for the ride down

Most of it looked like this. Not too interesting as far as riding goes, but it kept us off the main lanes most of the way down and provided for a quiet ride.

For Lilia's first long ride, she seemed to really enjoy herself!

The food was good, although the choices somewhat limited.

After lunch my camera battery went dead, so I went out to the bike and swapped out to my spare - which was [I]also[/I] dead :doh: so that's the end of my pics.
I got a ride on Grover's Tiger before we departed, and when he, Michelle, and Chris (dirtrideroader) and Mike (mikeylikesit) joined us for the ride home I got the green light to trade off for an even longer, curvier test ride.
The Tiger is now on my short list for potential next bike.