Wandered to Taylor the not-so-direct way to meet a bunch of multi-forum folks for BBQ at Meuller's. I had a route planned, but I broke away from it more than I followed it. I tried to add some dirt here and there, but generally just picked roads that looked like they were off the beaten path. Riding alone, I just did what I wanted as it happened.

These pre-steaks blocked the roadway and then started lazily walking down the road. Every attempt to rev the engine and honk the horn only caused more confusion, not the "startled and running away" effect I was going for. It took almost ten minutes for me to get enough space to get past them.

Something about two paths in the woods comes to mind. I went right.

And it brought me here (eventually)

I followed Graeme back to Houston, but about 80 miles into the ride I realized we were only twenty or so miles from where we started. I hadn't even noticed we'd made a big loop!

The weather couldn't have been nicer!

This beastly machine was nice enough to move over a smidge so we could get by in one piece.

We stopped for a long break to talk and rest as the sun was starting to set, then headed back for home.