Packed in a hurry, unplugged the tree, and did my best not to be late for the start of the trip to Florida. It was a last-minute thing – Moe (BlackWidow) needed to pick up a bike in Deerfield Beach, and I was ready to tackle the adventure with him. After all, behind every good pilot is a great woman navigating! I have friends in Coral Springs, so I’d be able to combine a much-needed visit with the bike pickup.
Moe has this thing with weird accessories. He’s truly metrosexual…
Brian (bdmpastx) was generous enough to lend his truck and trailer for the three-day haul. Although it only has minimal cab space, the bed is carpeted and covered for all the gear and luggage we’d overpacked. The GPS/DVD/TV/Sirius Radio setup is SCHWEEET! With the GPS mounted on the windshield and the radar detector overhead, we had all the gadgets we’d need.
ODO: 51340
After making sure we had everything we needed (keys, insurance card, operating instructions, etc.) we were rolling from Brian’s shortly after 3pm on Friday afternoon. After a while, the days and hours started to blend together. As we got to I10, traffic was at a near standstill. ARGH! We’d wanted an earlier start but stuff just… happens.
Not five miles down the freeway, we discovered we were behind this truck with oranges on his license plate…
Let’s follow him to Florida
What if he’s not going to Florida?
But he’s got Florida plates
Really? You’ve got Texas plates. Are you going to Texas?
As traffic crawled, we watched as the 07 G35 sedan (a sweet ride) in front of us tried to cut in front of a semi with only inches to spare. The truck driver probably didn’t even see the car, but before it could get out of the way it had a nice foot-long gash on its rear quarter panel. Ouch. As the driver tried to get out of the truck’s path and back into our lane, she bumped the F150 in front of her. Uh, let’s get out of this lane before she decides to back up!
Want to go to Iowa?
What about Florida…
Don’t worry, it’s on the way.
ODO: 51508
Fuel and food. The golden arches. Moe thinks there’s a conspiracy that all of the freeway gas stations are required to have a McDonalds attached to them. The stretch was helpful, and we double-checked the trailer hitch and tire pressure. We’ve heard too many horror stories of trailer mishaps, so we were being extra cautious. So cautious, in fact, that I didn’t get to do much driving. Oh well, I’m the only one that knows where we’re going and I’ve got full control over what we watch/listen to!
ODO: 51977
Fuel and a stretch. Ice cream. Moe doesn’t drink anything with caffeine, so he went for the sugar rush.
ODO: 52197
Fuel, food, stretch, and evaluate. The sky was getting lighter, and it was already after 6am. I took over at the wheel, and was told (more times than I think were necessary) how to NOT sway anywhere in the lane, NOT go up to or over the speed limit, NOT to use the hand controls, NOT to pass anyone or change lanes, and NOT to play with the audio/video while driving.
I’ve been driving cars since you were in diapers. I can handle it.
Moe punched my arm.
OUCH! What was that for?
You did good.
So you punch me? I’d hate to see what you’d have done if I had an accident!
ODO: 52465 (I think I missed a log entry?)
We were now deep in the heart of Florida. The sun was bright up above, there was a light mist in the air, and traffic was everywhere. Now back in the passenger seat, I tried to take a nap. Moe amused himself by hitting the brakes to make my head fall forward and wake me up. He claims the hand control was sensitive…
We got to the bike and got it loaded on the trailer, then were headed over to Andy’s place. He’s a friend that I’ve known since junior high, and I haven’t seen him since he moved to FL and got married. He’s been like a brother to me over the years and he didn’t hesitate to host us when I called and told him we were going to be in town. He shouted across the room to make sure everyone was in agreement – his wife Jen, brother David, and friend Mikey.
ODO: 52602
We were just in time to help/watch him and Mikey cut down a tree or two. They were dead and the house needed firewood to give the full Christmas effect when company comes over tomorrow. (Don’t forget it’s over 80 degrees out here!)
Me, Moe, Mikey riding out to “the site”
I sat and watched while the boys played with the new chainsaw. Moe got in on the action and helped guide a tree down. He’ll tell you he pulled it down himself, but notice the riding mower that was also pulling…
Trophy pic?
Worth the effort.
Andy is a trained chef from the Culinary Institute of America. What does he do with that training? Make gingerbread houses, of course! He put them together in the morning to give the construction icing a full day to harden. The guests tomorrow would be decorating them.
Moe, Mr. Winston, and David
After showers and a long nap, it was time to hit the road again. It was almost midnight, and we were trying to get back before Christmas if possible.
We woke the bike up from her nap in the garage…
And got her hooked back up to the truck for the long haul home.
There was a whole lot of this…
So we watched some of this (Faster and Faster 2)
Instead of taking 95 back up to 10, we took the advice of a stranger at a dumpster (not what you think but a funny story anyway) and took 27 up and over toward the panhandle. Apparently it wasn’t fun, but I was asleep through it.
Here’s my view from my makeshift bed in the back of the truck…
There were low speed limits and lights and many of the intersections the whole way.
So you hate me right now?
No, I hated you the whole way.
I don’t think it bothered him too much, considering what he was pulling behind us.
As we passed through Alabama into Mississippi, the rain started and it didn’t stop until after the trip was over. Oh well, at least the bike is clean!
We pulled into Moe’s shortly before midnight Sunday night. As we got out of the truck, we realized the truck had kept the dropping temps a secret. My fingers were cold and wet while we fumbled to get all the tie-downs off the bike and get it unloaded.
I got the truck and trailer back to Brian, and got back in my own truck for the drive home. All I could think about was opening my presents – I’d been good and hadn’t peeked into the boxes my family had sent me. I got home around 2am, so it WAS Christmas, right? With my clothes and purse still in the car, I was on the couch opening gifts!
The geek info…
Total Mileage: 2466.5
Total time: 46:20
Moving time: 39:48
Moving average: 62.0 mph
Posted by
Rebecca "Squeaky" Nelson
4:38 PM
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