Well, it was certainly a long day. After only five hours of sleep, I was up and getting ready to head out pre-dawn with Scott (M38A1) in the chilly 40-something air. We slabbed it up to Huntsville and made it to Tourmeister's place right on time.
From there, we headed up to Edom through various FM roads, all the while waiting for the sun to come out from behind the clouds and begin to warm the air.


Some of the bikes lined up at The Shed

The food was great, and the staff did a great job of keeping everything moving. I had the baked chicken, mush potatoes, and baked beans with a bottomless cup of coffee.


Chuck tried fitting her into his topcase...

On the way back, we came to a small county road and I was sure Tourmeister was leading us towards an unpaved section. Thankfully (since I was on the FZ1) it remained paved - although badly potholed, rutted, and bumpy in sections.

We made a quick stop at the Bradford Cafe and found that they do lunch, homemade desserts to order, and can seat 90. Future pie run? I suppose someone will have to "take one for the team" and head there for lunch one day to sample the menu.

Near Madisonville, I hopped on I45 and zoomed towards Houston. The darker the sky became, the worse the traffic flowed. I aimed the GPS for the Toyota Center and got there with just 25 minutes to get into the parking garage, change into jeans, and head into the arena to watch the Aeros game.

Barely able to keep my eyes open, Jamey offered to ride the bike back after the game and I went back in the truck with the kids and some friends. By the time I got home, it was probably less than a half hour before I was in la la land.